The trick is to be able recognize fairly quickly you made an error and cut your losses if you do get fooled. Don't feel bad if it happens as it has happened to nearly everyone more often than we would like. Also never overpay. Whatever you do don't blow out your payroll percent with a high paying "free agent". It rarely works out in sports let alone in the management of dental practices. Interview Tips: 1) Engage in social conversation to make the job candidate feel at ease and to observe their ability to small talk. Are they too serious...
30% of adjusted production seems to be the sweet spot these days. Lab bill (not CEREC) is negotiable, but more often than not the practice covers the lab bill. When interviewing, review the person's treatment philosophy (not for new grads) and have him or her present treatment to you. Kevin Tighe, Cambridge Dental Consultants, Senior Consultant, got bitten hard by the business and marketing bug during long summer days working at his dad's Madison Avenue ad agency. After joining Cambridge as a speaker in the mid-1990s, Kevin went on to become Cambridge’s senior consultant and eventually CEO. Cambridge Dental Consultants is...
1. Hire for attitude. Train for the rest. Attitude = proud of and likes to work. 2. For the front desk, make sure to test for basic math skills. It's amazing how many prospective employees can't do arithmetic on their own. 2. Do background checks if someone will be handling money. 3. Group interviews help show how candidates interact in a group situation. 4. Some practice owners like to have their staff take the best candidate out to lunch and then have the staff give a thumbs up or down. There is a lot to be said for this method as the staff will take...