Statistics measure habits, good or bad. They’re like gauges on your car's dashboard. They can tell you and your staff in an unbiased way what's going on in a specific area of the practice. If a statistic is trending down, then it’s likely that something changed, which means you need to figure out what changed and get it reverted back. This typically happens when someone changes things because they’re new to a position. As an example, you may notice that the new patient statistic is trending down, and you learn that the new employee who is overseeing your internal marketing is...
Statistics are like x-rays or a car's dashboard. Statistics tell you and the employee what's going on in a specific area of the practice. Some statistics can be assigned to a specific employee. For example Number of Patients Reactivated. If a statistic is trending down, then it is likely that something changed which means you need to figure out what changed and get it reverted back. Typically this happens when someone new takes over a position and changes things or some successful action is changed or stopped. As an example, you see that the New Patients statistic is trending down and...
The real secret of stat management in your dental practice is to concentrate on actions that are easier to control by the individual employees as opposed to the "bigger" numbers that should be monitored but are the END RESULT of the "smaller" numbers. This may sound a bit complex but it is actually quite simple and a thousand times more effective than putting too much attention on the end result numbers (Production, Collections NPs, etc.). Example: "Big" stat: # of Reactivated Patients To only concentrate on the big stat of # of reactivated patients is almost useless. You are much better to...