Dental Consultant Top Efficiency Tips
The two main reasons why most dental practices underproduce are:
a. Staff non-compliance
b. Double work
It is the small things that add up to consuming vast amounts of time and we all know time is money.
Too often dental staff look busy but are in fact simply handling unnecessary work they needlessly generate caused by inefficiencies and lack of training.
- A lab case is not in the office and the patient arrives for their appointment.
- Incomplete information in patient charts.
- Incomplete dental insurance submission.
- Insurance not verified.
- Patient leaves the office without an appointment.
- Phone numbers for patient are not correct. Can’t confirm appointment.
- Delivering more dentistry in the back than was scheduled; front desk not notified.
- Treatment plan sequence not written up.
- Financial arrangements not made.
- Incomplete treatment not followed up on.
- A message is taken but not given to the correct person.
- Patient health history not completed.