Dental Consultant Advice: Front Desk Positions
There are four front office/front desk positions/functions. Call them what you want but they basically break down as follows:
a) Receptionist
b) Scheduling Secretary
c) Accounts Manager
d) Treatment Coordinator
In a small practice one employee does them all. As a practice grows two staff handle theses jobs/functions. The natural breakdown would be to combine the four jobs/functions as follows:
a) Receptionist/Scheduling Secretary
b) Accounts Manager/Treatment Coordinator.
In a bigger practice you might have one person for each position or some other combination such as two Receptionists, a Scheduling Coordinator and a Treatment Coordinator/Accounts Manager.
Kevin Tighe, Cambridge Dental Consultants, Senior Consultant, got bitten hard by the business and marketing bug during long summer days working at his dad's Madison Avenue ad agency. After joining Cambridge as a speaker in the mid-1990s, Kevin went on to become Cambridge’s senior consultant and eventually CEO. Cambridge Dental Consultants is a full-service dental practice management company offering customized dental office manuals. Frustrated? High overhead? Schedule a chat with Kevin at