Referral To Periodontist For Crown Lengthening Surgery
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Dr. Periodontist
City, State Zip
Dear Dr. Periodontist:
I have referred [patient name] to you for crown lengthening surgery around #19. I am sending bitewings and a periapical from 8/13/96.
Jane was a new patient to us last week. She was a previous patient of [Dr. _____]. She has a good dentition; #19 build-up and crown is the only restorative work we have planned. I did note generalized gingivitis, but the pocket probings were good.
She remembers being advised of having the caries on #19 treated after she had her baby 2 years ago, but she never followed through with treatment.
I have referred her to [Dr. Endo] for endodontic treatment of 19, and will steer her your way after completion of the root canal work.
Let me know if you need any more information.
Dr. _______