Letter #1 Referral To Periodontist For Implant Consultation
Dr. Name
Office address
City, State ZIP
(or preferably print on letterhead)
Dr. Perio
City, State Zip
Dear Dr. Perio:
I have referred [patient] to you for #12 implant consultation. Periapical & bitewing x-rays enclosed.
Jane is a new patient to us today. She presented with #12 crown off, with the 2-post build-up and most of tooth still in the crown.
I recemented it with C&B Metabond. It had a loose fit, and will not last long. She said her previous dentist recemented it in August.
She is scheduled with us in November for complete exam/treatment plan/cleaning. Sounds like she has been regular with 6-month recalls; brief visual exam revealed no other urgent problems.
Dr. ______