Letter #2 Referral To Periodontist For Implant Consultation
Dr. Name
Office address
City, State ZIP
(or preferably print on letterhead)
Dr. Perio
City, State Zip
Dear Dr. Perio:
I have referred [patient] to you for #14 implant evaluation.
She came to me for a second opinion regarding #14. This tooth has had root canal treatment; the restoration (3/4 porcelain crown) has repeatedly come loose. Her dentist recommended extraction and bridge, but she wasn’t sure about his recommendation.
When I removed the loose crown, the entire build-up was attached; margins/fractures on M, L, & D were subgingival; only a very thin buccal wall was left supragingivally.
I feel extraction and implant or fixed bridge would be better than crown lengthening and heroically saving what is left.
I have not taken any other x-rays, as I don’t know if she will be changing dentists yet.
Dr. _____