Referral To Endodontist
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Dr. Endodontist
City, State Zip
Dear Dr. Endodontist:
We have referred [patient name] to you for treatment of #29.
XXXX was a new patient to us this month. He needs extensive crown work. The caries on 29 extends far subgingivally. I have referred him to Dr. Periodontist for crown lengthening surgery, and comprehensive perio evaluation. I told Dr. Perio that you might prefer to have the crown lengthening done prior to your completion of RCT.
Also, could you evaluate #2? It has caries that also extends far subgingivally; it has a periapical abscess, and the canals appear quite calcified. This tooth might be better treated with removal.
Let me know if you need any more information.
Dr. ______