Referral To Endodontist After Accident
Dr. Name
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Dr. Endodontist
City, State Zip
Dear Dr. Endo:
I have referred [patient name] to you for evaluation and treatment. His father has referral and x-rays, and should be calling for appointment.
I saw Joe on 9/13/2010. He said he was in a go-kart accident on 9/11/2010. He has lots of scrapes and bruises. He fractured 6, 7, 8, & 9. I noted:
- 6 — facial enamel sheared off.
- 7 — fractured almost entirely at gumline; a little facial enamel sticking up; pinpoint vital pulpal exposure.
- 8 — fractured horizontally; about 3mm of enamel left on facial and lingual; dentin was discolored very deep purple, typical of internal hemorrhage; close to pulp, but no exposure noted.
- 9 — oblique fracture; no indication of pulp proximity.
My initial impressions:
- 7 will need root canal treatment due to pulpal exposure and for restorative purposes.
- 8 probably should be treated also for restorative purposes; given the color of the dentin, I wouldn’t bet on long-term pulpal health anyway.
- 6 & 9 – see how they test.
I took intraoral photos before I restored them; I will send you a copy via email.
I plan to crown 7, 8, & 9 after endodontic treatment; possibly splinting together 7 & 8.
Dr. _____