To General Dentist After Seeing Patient For Implant Crown Problem
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Dr. General Dentist
City, State Zip
Dear Dr. _____:
I have finished treating Jane Doe. I removed the #19 crown and loose implant abutment. The screw was significantly bent, but the treads in the implant itself still seemed intact.
I placed a new Paragon HLA 3/5 abutment and new screw; torqued to 30 Ncm. I cemented a full gold crown on this with Temp-Bond thinned with a small amount of Vaseline. I kept the crown narrow so the occlusal forces would be centered right over the implant. The occlusion should contact only when she clenches and grinds tightly.
I reiterated the importance of contacting me immediately if anything feels loose or out of place with the implant.
Give me a call if you have any further questions.
Dr. ______