A dental practice is too small of a business to afford any weak links. If you want to produce at a high level of production and efficiency, you cannot afford any weak links. Poor organization is also at the heart of patient complaints. Organization of a practice is, in essence, composed of ensuring you and your staff know how to efficiently and effectively process: a. New Patients b. Returning Patients c. Emergency Patients Another action we take early on with new clients is to evaluate where the weak links are in handling new, returning and emergency patients and then systematically strengthen...
1. Acceptable total A/R: One month of collections or less (12%) 2. A/R & pending claims. 20% over 30 days acceptable and dwindling. >50% of AR in 0-30 days <30% of AR in 30-60 days <18% of AR in 60-90 days <2% of AR in 90+ days 3. You want to see past due balances of 30, 60, and 90 days so that you can generate the correct letter or call as needed. You should also run an Insurance Aging Report at least weekly because you don't want those going past 30 days. Start collecting after 20 days. I recommend working the...