Other than P & L numbers, key stats to monitor are: Number of days workedProduction per dayProductionCollectionNPsCollection percentageOpen hours in hygieneHygiene hours workedNumber of patients left without hygiene appointmentPercent of open hygiene hoursStaff pay as percentage of gross income Kevin Tighe, Cambridge Dental Consultants, Senior Consultant, got bitten hard by the business and marketing bug during long summer days working at his dad's Madison Avenue ad agency. After joining Cambridge as a speaker in the mid-1990s, Kevin went on to become Cambridge’s senior consultant and eventually CEO. Cambridge Dental Consultants is a full-service dental practice management company offering customized dental office manuals. Frustrated?...
Scripts are OK as general outlines for predictable situations (new patient phone calls, etc.). But front desk people need to think on their feet and actually hear what patients are saying and what they mean, and be able to handle each situation accordingly.