Base pay plus commission seems to be the best and most popular system. This protects the hygienist if the front desk drops the ball on the schedule, but also gives the hygienist a reason to go the extra mile. Always use adjusted production or actual collections when calculating a hygienist’s bonus because this is the amount that can actually be collected. The general rule of thumb is that any commission kicks in when production (or collection) exceeds three times the hygienist’s base pay. Also, if the day does fall apart or there's an open hour, the hygienist on base pay can...
In a general practice, a hygienist can see 8-10 patients per day with operative also seeing 8-10 patients plus consultations, impressions, etc. Variables can include the type of dentistry being done (including SRPs), number of ops and whether there is some form of assisted hygiene in use Regularly moving patients like this is a no-no. It wastes time and and pisses patients off. If this isn't a "laziness" issue then you, the practice owner and the hygienists need to come up with a scheduling plan to accommodate the 90 minute appointments without having to change other patient's appointments. Assisted hygiene might...
1. Have a 30-minute window where you can excuse yourself so you’re not stressed and your patient is not overly inconvenienced. 2. Develop a plan with your hygienist to be followed with each patient when you enter the room. 3. Your hygienist needs to efficiently bring you up to speed so that you can proceed quickly. 4. Don't to be hurried otherwise you will miss opportunities. Kevin Tighe, Cambridge Dental Consultants, Senior Consultant, got bitten hard by the business and marketing bug during long summer days working at his dad's Madison Avenue ad agency. After joining Cambridge as a speaker in...
Most people find change hard. Dental employees are no exception. A common curve ball employees can sometimes throw at you when making changes is that they're usually not able to be specific. So try this. It usually works quite well: Employee: Why are you changing everything? Dentist: What specifically are you referring to? Employee: Everything! Dentist: I understand, but let's talk one specific thing you feel I am changing. Once you get the staff member to give you a specific, discuss it with them. Quite often you will see the objection crumble before your eyes and you can get on with the...