The two purposes of a dental office morning huddle are Problem solve anticipated problems in advance of the current day. The team knowing where the practice stands in relationship to monthly goals and working together to come up with solutions to get on goal when needed. Not all practice owners want to set daily and monthly goals. I recommend doing so but, the practice owner decides. The huddle also acts as a bridge for staff transitioning from their day to day lives to the business day. Huddle Report Form: A customizable huddle form will be supplied to you. The form is gone...
“Every mistake is an opportunity to learn.” Let your employee know you appreciate them without any “but” or ‘however”. Otherwise why do they still have a job? Let your employee know that “every mistake is an opportunity to learn.” Let your employee tell their side of the story. Listen. Do not assume. For some situations it could be one strike and you're out on the other hand always weigh an employee's value versus non-optimum behavior. In general discipline should be done on a gradient. Until you are comfortable correcting employees, you can simply pull this policy out with your employee present...